Inventory : Products / Master Data: Packages


This document outlines the Packages feature in the Inventory application of Odoo 15. A package is a physical container that holds one or several products. This feature allows you to manage one or more packages when recording transfers.


To get started, open the Inventory app. 

Once there, click CONFIGURATION > SETTINGS. Under the Operations section, enable Packages then click Save.

Next, click Products > Packages.

Creating a New Package

On the Packages page, you'll see existing package types.If you do need to make a new packaging, click CREATE. This opens the Packages form.

In this example, we're adding a packaging for some Display Cases we get on a regular basis. We already know they ship in DHL pallets and weigh 18 lbs each. This is how we'll fill out the form.

Package Reference: Odoo will generate a unique name, or you can enter your own. This is helpful if you already know the contents and details of the package.

Package Type: Select the type of package you're creating. You may also Create and Edit... if you have a new package type.

Shipping Weight: Enter the shipping weight of this empty package.

Carrier: Select the Carrier that this package type can be used for.

Tracking Reference: If applicable, you can add the reference number for the package.

Declared Value: Enter an exact or estimated value for the contents of the package.

Require Insurance: Choose to enable Insurance which will populate a field for Declared Value of the package. 

Require Signature: Choose to enable the requirement of a signature for the package.

Content: If used on a specific transfer, the information relating to the contents of the package will populate here. 

When you're ready, click Save. This packaging is now available to use throughout Odoo.

Workflow: Adding Packages During a Transfer

Packages can be created at the time of completing a transfer. To try this out, first create a Purchase Order for multiple products. Follow the workflow until you're ready to receive products.

In our example, we're receiving 80 products but we want to box them into packages of 40 before we put them into our inventory. To get started, we'll click  Receive Products or use the  Receipt smart button.

The incoming transfer is where we'll add our products to packagings. Once on this page, click Edit. Then, under the Operations tab, we'll need to create a line for each package we're creating. To do so, click the  Detailed Operations icon.

A Detailed Operations modal window will open. Click Add a  Line.

Product: This field is auto-populated with the product name.

Demand: This field is auto-populated with the demand.

Quantity Done: This field will auto-populate once the Done qty is entered, below.

To package this product, click Add a Line. This opens a new line:

  • To: This field is auto-populated with the destination location.

  • Destination Package: Select the package you created to package this item.

  • Done: Enter the quantity of the product, above, being added to this package. If you have multiple products, you can distribute them into several packages.

When you're ready, click Confirm. This brings you back to the Purchase Order. When you're ready, click Validate. Then click the new   Packages smart button on the top-right of the record.

This displays all packages associated with this PO. Click the package from the kanban view.

This shows you the details of this particular package, and you can click the  PackageTransfers smart button to see the transfers that used this packaging type.

Clicking this line would bring us full-circle back to our original Purchase Order!