Project: Reporting


The purpose of this document is to review each of the preconfigured reports within the Project application.

Odoo reports often serve as a foundation, allowing you to further configure with the data and views most useful for you. Please refer to Odoo Essentials: Navigation to review what each icon represents and how to manage report data.


To get started, navigate to the Project application.


Tasks Analysis

Click Reporting > Tasks Analysis

With the exception of the Pie Chart and Pivot Table, most views for this report will incorporate Project and Employee data. The third dataset, always represented on the y-axis, can be adjusted using the Measures  menu.

In the example given, the graph is measuring how many tasks each employee is assigned per project.

Timesheet and Planning Analysis

Click Reporting > timesheet and planning Analysis

This is a configurable graph/table that, by default, displays data of Employees and their hours worked across a given time range. There are a variety of datasets you can add or remove using the MEASURES  menu.

Customer Ratings

Click Reporting > Customer Ratings

By default, this report shows a Kanban card for each customer rating submitted. You can adjust the view with the respective icons under the search field.

See Project Ratings documentation for further information.

Project Costs and Revenues

Click Reporting > Project Costs and Revenues

This report allows you to see the profitability of projects by incorporating different measures  into the pivot table.