Hibou Odoo Suite: Human Resources (HR) Modules: HR Payroll Attendance Holidays

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The purpose of this documentation is to outline the use case for Hibou's HR Payroll Attendance Holidays module. The HR Payroll Attendance Holidays module simplifies adding approved holiday leaves onto employee payslips.

Getting Started

First thing's first, we want to install the module! Navigate to the Apps application and search 'Payroll Attendance Holidays'. When ready, hit  Install.

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Good to Know!

The HR Payroll Attendance Holidays module requires both the HR Payroll Attendance and Leaves modules. However, if you do not already have these modules installed, Odoo will install them for you during this module's installation!


To get started, navigate to the Payroll application.

Odoo - Sample 1 for three columns

Worked Day Lines for Leaves

Once there, make a new payslip by hitting Create. Select an employee from the dropdown menu that has a leave for the pay period you are generating payslips for. A new 'Worked Days' line will appear for the leave, the code being an 'L_' preceding the name of the leave.

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The HR Payroll Attendance Holidays module includes various methods used to create worked day lines for leaves on an employee payslip.